Within the E-Book:

6 Key Steps To Achieve Cloud Migration

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1) ETL Vs ELT Process

Your team will likely choose between two data integration technologies: ETL or ELT.

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2) How To Eliminate Grunt Work

Technical grunt work bogs down many data projects, and that’s especially true for cloud data migrations.

Quick and Easy Implementation

3) How To Plan for Long-Term Success

A cloud data migration is the task in front of you. But what about the projects you’ll tackle several years down the road?

Connect Everything

4) Which Experts Can You Trust

Get a full list of online resources you can go to when evaluating tools / providers to help you with your cloud migration.

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5) How to Confirm Data Quality

In order to ensure a successful cloud migration, you must confirm that the data between your database and your cloud DWH are identical.

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6) How to Maintain Data Continuity

Your team is more effective and efficient when the right data is at their fingertips.